Saturday, July 20, 2013

Just A Bunch of Gringos!

This is our ride to work!  Bunch of gringos; we got in the truck and bounced our way up to the home we are working to build for the Costa Rican family who lost theirs in the Earthquake of 2009.  They have been living in really poor conditions until recently and now, God willing we will see them wave goodbye to us from their new home.

Today held some great reminders of how truly special this place is...alongside the family who will move into this home, their children, and some neighborhood children, we painted, sifted and stuccoed, dug dirt, moved dirt, and the guys put up the front part of the house.  As our Pastor Shayne O'Brien said "There were all kinds of OSHA rules being broken here".  Even so, everyone came back to the church tonight for dinner in one piece. 

Here is a picture of the home as we got started this morning.  As I walked around inside I tried to imagine the family life and happy memories to be made inside those walls. I love being a part of that.

It amazes me how the people here take nothing for granted and make use of things we would throw away without a thought.  I know I recognized the wheel barrows from 4 years ago!  They were holy and rusted, but rolling.  Styrofoam that probably secured some sort of supplies was used to spread stucco on the concrete walls and scaffolds pieces doubled as ladders.  The tools are very basic, there is no heavy equipment or any of the construction conveniences we know.  Anything can be employed as a tool, if it does the job.

We talked today about how our work here affects people, from the people who live here, to the people at home who are following us, to the people who are friends of our friends, and how it affects us as well. 

Have I mentioned the kids?  These little guys just warm our hearts like nothing else.  They are so loving, curious about us, willing to help, and readily available to make us feel like if nothing else we do here matters, the interaction we have them does.  Their love affects us.

When close my eyes tonight I know I will hear Spanish voices in my mind, picture the incredibly beautiful scenery and stunning flowers that dot the landscape in brilliant colors.  I will hear the muted thunder and the rain pelt the tin roof over our heads as we drift off to sleep, and I will thank God for that roof, these lovely people, and warmth that fills my heart because of this beautiful experience.

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